September Call-Ups: BondLink Expands Roster
September 11, 2018
I know a lot of people dread September because it represents the end of summer, but it’s one of my favorite months of the year.
There are a couple of reasons for this, including the fact that my kids go back to school (finally). The weather in Boston is near-perfect this time of year as well, with the humidity abating. But September also kicks off the stretch-run in baseball. As part of that final push of the baseball season, each team is allowed to expand its roster in what is known as the “September Call-Ups.”
Here at BondLink, I’m thrilled to announce our “September Call-Ups” for 2018, all with deep experience in the muni market: Tom Paolicelli, John Murphy and Brendan McGrail. We’re not driving toward a pennant or anything like that. We’re scaling our business to provide more tools and technology in order to bring issuers and investors together more efficiently.
Their areas of responsibility at BondLink – on issuers, bond investors and communication, respectively – speak to the company’s mission to move the bond market forward through enhanced transparency.
Tom’s focus will be on issuers as he brings more than two decades of experience in various roles. He was most recently the Chief Deputy Treasurer for the County of San Diego, overseeing the Treasury and Investment Division. Prior to joining the County, he was the Executive Director of the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, one of the largest financing entities in the U.S. during its most active period, issuing over $30 billion in bonds. He was also a Vice President/Senior Analyst for Moody’s Investors Service in their U.S. Public Infrastructure Team. Tom was also active in the GFOA, an incredible organization of issuers that develop and recommend best practices. Tom was on the GFOA’s Treasury & Investment Management Committee and Online Financial Transparency Taskforce.
John’s focus at BondLink is on developing tools and solutions for investors, after having spent nearly three decades on the buy-side. He joins BondLink from Fidelity Investments, where he was a senior bond trader and later senior research analyst in a career spanning nearly 20 years. He previously served as vice president in trading and structured products for J.P. Morgan Securities after working as an associate with Banker’s Trust.
Disclosure is not as effective if it’s not communicated effectively, and that’s Brendan’s area of expertise. He spent most of the last decade in corporate communications with J.P. Morgan, and previously wrote the daily municipal bond market column as a reporter for Bloomberg News. He most recently served as Director of Communications for a private ski resort in Vermont and also worked as a writer for Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney after beginning his writing career with the Worcester Telegram.
We’re thrilled to have individuals who are that accomplished and experienced to help BondLink continue to meet the growing demand for our suite of products.
You can read more about BondLink's "September Call-Ups" in The Bond Buyer.

Colin MacNaught
CEO & Co-Founder @ BondLink